Have you ever traveled to a magical land where the mushrooms grow high and the birds sing the most beautiful song? 


Join Cathy for a create-at-your-own-pace creative experience.  You will learn fun, new mixed media techniques as you make your own Easy Breezy Day!  

Sign Up Here and Get Started Right Away!

 Mixed media is a Magical land of paper, collage, paint and other kinds of materials to make art!

Join me in this class and learn some new techniques, OR ignite your imagination and refresh what you already know.


 You will not need a lot of supplies...You can use items that you have already around the house.  


Nothing works better to get you out of a creative rut than to take a course.   Soon you will feel your own creative juices flowing.  I walk you through the steps as you let your imagination go.  There is no pressure to finish by a certain time...I believe in HAVING FUN, and working at your pace.

Beginners, experienced artists, and everyone in between are always welcomed in my classes!



Do You Enjoy...

  • Watching the creative process unfold? The curiosity of trying something new?  A surprised feeling of joy as the unexpected occurs? 

  • Are you able to put perfection aside and give yourself permission to be messy and even make what some might think are mistakes?

  • Are you the type of person who loves using art supplies and other random stuff to make a work of art ?
  • Are you brand new, or haven't created for a long time and ready to learn several mixed media techniques.  

  • Do you enjoy the freedom of using video for your class and having the ability to pick and choose what time works best for you? 

     You are in the right place!   Come on and Join us!

 You will have unlimited 24/7 access to these videos for the life of the course.


Brand new to art? 

I've got you covered.  I will be providing you with a templet and supply list  to make things easier.  

Ready to Play!

Hi, I'm Cathy!

I have always loved art and surrounding myself with a creative atmosphere that encouraging others to create. There is something so exhilarating about taking  paper and turning it into something that brings joy.

As a Mixed Media artist, I love the impact of color....its power to express our moods, thoughts and feelings.

Creativity promotes POSITIVITY....which is why I have used it for years in my coaching practice.  The process of creating is one of the best tools to relieve stress.

I often hear individuals say, that they would love to create...but can't find the time.  I felt that way too; but now, I see the impact and improvement that putting art first has had on my life.  Creative Time is put at the top of my "To-do" list instead of the bottom now that I understand the health benefits of using my right side of the brain to improve my overall outlook and attitude for the day.   

Dear Creative, I look forward to sharing and celebrating this wonderful world of art with you.

All levels are welcomed here. I teach one step at a time so that the beginner finds the lessons easy to understand and the advanced feel the freedom to explore and expand. 

Nothing makes me happier than to experience Your enthusiasm in our classes as curiosity feeds into Joy over what you've created.